Bad Time Zoo is the newest album from Minnesota rapper, Sims. Sims is in the Hip-hop collective, Doomtree. This is where I first heard of Sims. Bad Time Zoo is Sims second full-length album. Lights Out Paris was his first, and Osmosis and Key Grip are two standouts from that album. Like all Doomtree artists, Sims is a staggering lyricist. In this album he speaks about commercialism, politics, and technology. Topics that are a little more thought provoking then your common money, sex, and bragging rappers that dominate the Top 40 charts. In One Dimensional Man, he criticizes the liberal, green frenzy. “You did your part, you gave your hundred bucks to NPR, you joined the co-op now, bought the hybrid car, switched to peace coffee, went to three rallies, then wiped your hands with sanitized solution, good deeds tallied”. This album is chock-full of lyrics like this. Lazerbeak, one of two producers in Doomtree, is the producer on this album. His beats are unusual and some of the most progressive around. The lyrics and delivery by themselves are exceptional, but added with Lazerbeak’s beats; this album is miles above others of the Rap genre. Sims is a criminally unknown artist and deserves a lot more recognition, and he will hopefully continue to make many more records like this. He is currently on tour promoting his album with fellow Doomtree rapper Dessa.
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