Sunday, July 17, 2011

Other Lives-Live!

Other Lives took their intricate studio production to the live stage, and play it with added emotion. I have spoken about my love for this band in a blog before, and I was really looking forward to the show. They played in The Urban Lounge, which is a small club, and it was the perfect setting for a band like Other Lives. When they were quiet and stripped-down, Other Lives never lost their intensity, and kept the audience always engaged. But when hit the climax of their songs is when the music and show became transcending. All the members of the band played multiple instruments and exceptionally talented. I was surprised that such a deep and detailed sound came from only five band members. But when I watched the band members switch from instruments most of the time in the same song, I was deeply impressed and grew and even deeper appreciation for the band. NPR and KCRW have both been raving about this band, and I hope that more people will find this band, and enjoy their music as much as they people who know of them do.

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